- - Introduction:
- - Globalization, Imitation Behavior, and Refugees from Eritrea
- - Civil Society and Cyberspace: Reflections on Dehai, Asmarino, and Awate
- - The Catch-22 of Resistance: Jokes and the Political Imagination of Eritrean Conscripts
- - Ransoms, Remittances, and Refugees: The Gatekeeper State in Eritrea
- - Imagining Emigration: Debating National Duty in Eritrean Classrooms
- - The Nexuses between Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in the Light of the Indefinite Eritrean National Service
- - Eritrean Refugees at Risk
- - The International Community's Role in Eritrea's Postliberation Phase of Exception
- - "Eritrea" in Switzerland's 2015 Election—A Missed Chance for Dialogue between Politics, Social Work, and Refugees
- - "Why don't you move onwards?": The Influence of Transnational Ties and Kinship Obligations on Eritrean Refugees' Feeling of Being Stuck in Italy
- - Making of an African "Pariah": Eritrea in the International System
- - Conclusion: Eritrea's State of Exception and its Broken Mirror
And can be read at the following link
Thanks to Katharina Strehler for sharing