Thursday 26 May 2016

“Dreams Don’t Come True in Eritrea” a 2010 article by Nicole Hirt

“Dreams Don’t Come True in Eritrea”:   Anomie and Family Disintegration due to the Structural Militarization of Society, a 2010 article by Nicole Hirt

الأحلام لا تتحقق في إريتريا


PITFALLS OF NATIONALISM IN ERITREA by Tekle M. Woldemikael published in Biopolitics, Militarism, and Development: Eritrea in the 21st Century, 2009
تحليل مثير للاهتمام عن احتفالات عيد الاستقلال

A very interesting analysis of the Independence Day celebrations, some highlights:

"This article examines how the state manipulates the public to participate in 24 May Independence Day as a national holiday, and how and why the public participates in the state-organized celebrations. The writer argues that the 24 May celebration serves multiple ideological functions for the state and society. These include providing the state with a sense of broad popular support for its rule, thus allowing the government to believe in the ideological illusion that state and society live in seamless harmony, while at the same time providing the people (the hafash, or “masses”) with psychological release from the dire economic and political plight that characterizes contemporary life in Eritrea. This project of the state, however, will be “ultimately undermined and defeated by what Achille Mbembe aptly terms the ‘the historical capacity for indiscipline of society’”  In the case of Eritrea, the unruliness of the “masses” has taken different forms, from internal self-criticism within the ruling party, to open disapproval of, and resistance to, the regime by Eritreans both at home and in the diaspora. "....

"However, behind the festivities and celebrations, we have to look at how the ruling party operates using different technologies of power. The government’s celebrations are planned to manipulate the public to participate in the ceremonies and experience the madness and temporary euphoria that the festivities induce."

" One can think of the guerrilla movement as a prison or cage—a cage of the Goffmanesque type, one that forms a “total institution.” Erving Goffman stated that the total institution “may be defined as a place of residence and work where a large number of like-situated individuals, cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time, together lead an enclosed, formally administered round of life”. It is an institution where all the aspects of the life of individuals under the institution are controlled and regulated by the authorities of the organization. The concept of total institution has been applied to prisons, mental hospitals, boarding schools, concentration camps, and boot camps (Goffman 1961) and may also be applied to the EPLF, a guerrilla movement.

Saturday 21 May 2016

The search for national identity in postcolonial, multicommunal states: the cases of Eritrea and Lebanon,1941-1991

"The search for national identity in postcolonial, multicommunal states: the cases of Eritrea and Lebanon,1941-1991" a 2014 PhD thesis by Laura R. Ryseck

البحث عن الهوية الوطنية في دول ما بعد الاستعمار  حالات اريتريا ولبنان، 1941-1991
اطروحة دكتورة

Past the Kalashnikov: Youth, Politics and the State in Eritrea, 2004

Past the Kalashnikov: Youth, Politics and the State in Eritrea, a 2004 article by Sara Rich Dorman

Out of the 'memory hole' : alternative narratives of the Eritrean revolution in the diaspora

Out of the 'memory hole' : alternative narratives of the Eritrean revolution in the diaspora, a 2006 article by  Bettina Conrad

Wednesday 18 May 2016

The TPLF and Roots of the 2001 Political Tremor by Paulos Milkias, 2001

Ethiopia, The TPLF and Roots of the 2001 Political Tremor by Paulos Milkias, 2001:

According to the author, "In 1997, at a meeting of the TPLF Central Committee that was convened at the Economic Commission for Africa Hall in Addis Ababa, the Prime Minister dropped a bombshell. He told the members who were hitherto in control of every policy decision not only in Tigray, but also in the rest of Ethiopia that the Mandate of the TPLF was over. Ethiopia, TPLF and Roots of the 2001 Political Tremor - P.Milkias 3 Meles explained that the TPLF as a front had, starting from the beginning, two basic contradictions to contend with. The primary contradiction was, he explained, to neutralize the forces that militated against their avowed aim, to achieve self-determination for their homeland of Tigray. This, he explained, has already been accomplished. Their organization had defeated their earliest rivals, the EDU, the TLF and the EPRP. Then, it defeated another rival, the ELF by coordinating its forces with the EPLF, at that time their ally against the Derg. The TPLF had continued its struggle until it defeated the Derg and liberated the entire province of Tigray. It then continued to follow the Derg to its seat of power in Addis Ababa until it crushed its military forces and took over the whole of Ethiopia."

"People present at the meeting report that the Tigray nationalists led by the Tewolde-Siye group were astounded by this bold suggestion and argued against Meles vehemently. The dissidents’ fear was that if Meles continued in the same direction, the TPLF might loose its grip on Ethiopian economics and politics. It is not surprising therefore that since the rift appeared, they have attacked Meles for undermining Tigray and Tigrayan nationality for which many of their comrades gave their lives"

Thursday 12 May 2016

حوار مع المناضل أحمــــد ســـــويرا Interview with Ahmed Suwera 2005

حوار مع المناضل أحمــــد ســـــويرا
حول مسيرته النضالية الممتدة لأكثر من نصف قرن
أجرى الحوار : صالح إسماعيل 

Sunday 1 May 2016

تطور اوضاع المسلمين الارتريين بقلم د. حسن مكي محمد احمد

 تطور اوضاع  المسلمين الارتريين بقلم د. حسن مكي محمد احمد

The situation of Eritrean Muslims, a booklet written by Sudanese scholar Dr. Hassen Mekki, 1985

أيام لاتنسي، من مذكرات المناضل محمد علي إديس أبو رجيلة، قائد معركة تقوربا

أيام لاتنسي، من مذكرات المناضل محمد علي إديس أبو رجيلة، قائد معركة تقوربا ، والمقاتل الأرتري الذي قاتل مع قوات الحلفاء
في الحرب العالمية الثانية

الشكر لخالد والمكتبة ألإرترية لتجميع المذكرات

البعثة الانجليزية الى ملك الحبشة يوحنا (يوهنس) سنة 1887م برواية المبعوث جيرالد بورتال

البعثة الانجليزية الى ملك الحبشة يوحنا (يوهنس) سنة 1887م  برواية المبعوث جيرالد بورتال

الشكر لخالد والمكتبة ألإرترية لتوفيره الكتاب