Saturday 27 May 2017

The constitution of Eritrea 1952

The constitution of Eritrea 1952

In the name of Almighty God,
 Trusting that He may grant Eritrea peace, concord and prosperity,
And that the Federation of Eritrea and Ethiopia may be harmonious and fruitful, We, the Eritrean Assembly, acting on behalf of the Eritrean people,

Grateful to the United Nations for recommending that Eritrea shall constitute an autono- mous unit federated with Ethiopia under the sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown and that its Constitution be based on the principles of democratic government,
Desirous of satisfying the wishes and ensuring the welfare of the inhabitants of Eritrea by close and economic association with Ethiopia and by respecting the rights and safe- guarding the institutions, traditions, religions and languages of all the elements of the population.

Resolved to prevent any discrimination and to ensure under a regime of freedom and equality, the brotherly collaboration of the various races and religions in Eritrea, and to promote economic and social progress.
Trusting fully in God, the Master of the Universe.
Do hereby adopt this Constitution as the Constitution of Eritrea.
Eritrean Constituent Assembly July 15, 1952

Thanks to Jelal Yassin for sharing

النقوش الكتابية في جزيرة دهلك ١٨٩٣ Written inscriptions on the island of Dahlak 1893

Written inscriptions on the island of Dahlak 1893

Thanks to Mahmoud Lobinet for sharing

Friday 26 May 2017

وثيقة تاريخيه من ادارة اوقاف مصوع 9 مارس 1944 A document from the Islamic court of Massawa Stating Kekia's endowment to build schools

وثيقة تاريخيه من ادارة اوقاف مصوع 9 مارس 1944

الواقف: صالح أحمد كيكيا، البائع المشتري، مصوع، أسمرا والحبشه من اهل بلدة حرقيقو، حيث تعهد بانشاء مدارس ابتدائيه و ثانويه ببلدة حرقيقو للتعلم الديني وكذالك لبناء مسجد بجوارها ووقف عليها يكفل تخليدها يقوم بالتبرع 48 دكان حجر ببرنداتها بأديس أببا في حي فيتوراري هبتي قرقيس وكل دكان مؤجر بعشرين ريال ابو طيارة:
عثمان احمد كيكيا، أحمد عبد القادر بشير، محمد حاج رمضان، محمد عبدالقادربشير، ادريس نائب حسن، صالح محمد باطوق أحمد، ادريس بشير برحتو
القاضي: الخليفة حسن عثمان
الشكر لجلال ياسين الذي اتاح لنا الوثيقة

A historical document from the Endowments Department, of the Islamic Court of Massawa Massawa, March 9, 1944

Business man, Saleh Ahmad Kikya, in, Masawa, Asmara and Habashah from the town of Hargeiku, where he pledged to establish primary and secondary schools in the town of Hargiku for religious learning. Also, he built a mosque next to it and promised to cover running costs.
. He donated 48  shops he owned  in Addis Ababa,

Othman Ahmed Kikya, Ahmed Abdel Qader Bashir, Mohamed Haj Ramadan, Mohamed Abdelkader  Bashir, Idris Hassan Naib, Saleh Mohammed Batrouk Ahmed, Idris Bashir Berhatu
Judge: Calipha Hassan Osman
Thanks to Jalal Yassin,  for sharing the document

Thanks to Jelal Yassin for sharing

Tuesday 23 May 2017

من التثقيف السياسي للجبهة الشعبية ١٩٧٠ From the TPLF Poltical Education 1970, in Arabic

من التثقيف السياسي للجبهة الشعبية ١٩٧٠ 

عملية غسيل الدماغ

From the EPLF Political Education 1970, in Arabic
where the brainwashing began

شكرا لمحمود لوبينت لتوفيره الكتيب

Monday 22 May 2017

كتاب الطراز المنقوش في محاسن الحبوش An Arabic book on the virtues of Abyssinians

كتاب الطراز المنقوش في محاسن الحبوش

Al Mangosh Fi Mahasin Al Hubush: A book on the virtues of Abyssinians on what the prophet Mohamed said about Abyssinians, on the interactions of the first Muslim refugees in Abyssinia, their interactions with the Nagashi, king of Abyssina, on virtues of Abyssinians

شكرا لمحمود لوبينت لتوفيره الكتيب

Thursday 18 May 2017

ELF military Trainees abroad 1960s

ELF military Trainees abroad 1960s

قائمة باسماء مقاتلي الجبهة الذين تدربو بالخارج في الستينات

المصدر: كتاب عثمان دندن، معركة آرتريا
شكرا لمحمود لوبينت لتوفيره الكتاب

Tuesday 16 May 2017

A brief summary of Eritrean Customary Laws

A brief summary of Eritrean Customary Laws, by Omar M. Kekia and Ghidewon A. Asmerom for Dehai موجز للقانون العرفي الإريتري    ويشمل القانون العرفي للبني عامر والعفروالمنسع والكوناما وغيرهما



2.     . CUSTOMARY LAWS AND THE REPUGNANCY CLAUSE....................... .

3.     THE ERITREAN CASE ...............................................

o    3.1 Drafting Experience-Rooted Constitution................

o    3.1.1 Democratic Process of Law Making..............

o    3.1.2 Constitution a Supreme Law....................

o    3.1.3 Making a Constitution a Customary Law.........


o    4.1 ftH meHari woAdotat.....................................

o    4.2 Hgi adgna-tegeleba......................................

o    4.3 Hgi adkeme-mlga' .....................,..................

o    4.4 Hgi logo-Chwa...........................................

o    4.5 Hgi habslus-greKstos....................................

o    4.6 Customary Laws of the Ben Amir .........................

o    4.7 ECL and the Various Influences That Shaped it...........

     4.7.1 Italian Colonization..........................

     4.7.2 British Military Administration...............

,. 4.7.3 Ethio-Eritrean Federation.....................

     4.7.4 Ethiopian Colonization........................

     4.7.5 Eritrean Liberation Struggle..................

5.     WHAT'S INTHEECL?..............................................

o    5.1 ftH meHari woAdotat.....................................

o    5.2 Hgi adgna-tegeleba......................................

o    5.3 Hgi adkeme-mlga' ........................................

o    5.4 Hgi logo-Chwa...........................................

o    5.5 Customary Laws of the Ben Amir..........................

o    5.6 Customary Laws of the Kunama............................

o    5.7 Customary Laws of the Afar

o    5.8 Customary Laws of Other Eritrean Nationalities .........

6.     LEGAL PROVERBS AND THEIR ROLE IN ECL............................


o    . 7.I Advantages of Keeping Some Aspects of ECL

o    7.2 Disadvantages of Keeping Some Aspects of ECL

8.     CONCLUSION.......................................................

9.     . REFERENCES ......................................................

The Customary Laws can be downloaded Below:

A historical background about the Bet Maala tribes نبذة تأريخية عن البيت معلا

نبذة تأريخية عن البيت معلا

موقعة من نظار أل محمود، أل حماسين، أل أبوحشيلا، أل عد يعقوب

A short historical background of the Bet Maala tribes, one of the components of the Beni Amer, who live both in Eritrea and Eastern Sudan. The document was signed by the chiefs (Nazirs) of Al Mahmoud, Al Hamasein, Al Abu Hashela and Al Ad Yacoub. As to the name Hamasein, the documents states those were descendents of one of the sons of the forefather who married a Jeberti woman from Hamasein and thus that branch is named Bet Maala Hamasein

Sunday 14 May 2017

Regional Dynamics of Inter-ethnic Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: An Analysis of the Afar-Somali Conflict in Ethiopia and Djibouti

Regional Dynamics of Inter-ethnic Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: An Analysis of the Afar-Somali Conflict in Ethiopia and Djibouti , a 2010 PhD thesis from the University of Hamburg, by YASIN MOHAMMED YASIN from Assab

This case study proves  that dynamics in regional political orders have been contributing for the escalation of the long-lasting conflicts between the Afar and Somali people whose homeland straddles the borders of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somaliland. Besides, findings of the study also indicate that all unilateral resolution efforts undertaken by individual states of Ethiopia and Djibouti where both ethnicities commonly inhabiting have been fruitless since the time of colonial rules. Indeed, this study further emphasis and analyse the impact of national politico-economic factors (in Ethiopia and Djibouti) that aggravate the tension and further sophisticate map of the conflict.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Beni Amer marriage customs 1919

Beni Amer marriage customs published in Sudan Notes and Records, Khartoum Vol.2 1919, pp. 74 - 76

Video: The  brutality of the Abyssinians in the aftermath of the battle of Adwa 1896

The  brutality of the Abyssinians in the aftermath of the battle of Adwa
displayed at the Museum of Ethnography, Stockholm, Sweden

This photo was taken in 1896 in a field hospital in Massawa, Eritrea. It depicts Eritrean askari (soldiers) and some Italian officers. The soldiers were captured in a battle on March 1, 1896, between the invading Italian colonial army and Abyssinia (Ethiopia). The Ethiopians won the battle and 2000 Eritrean soldiers who were in Italian service were killed and 800 were captured. As punishment for what the Ethiopians regarded as treason, the right hand and left foot of the captured were cut off. According to the Italian subtitle this was done at the monastery of Abba Garima east of Adwa, in the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. Many of the captives died from their injuries. This video was made for the exhibition "The Storage - An Ethnographic Treasure" displayed at the Museum of Ethnography, Stockholm, Sweden

الترجمه العربيه: هذه الصوره التقطت في عام 1896 في مستشفى ميداني في مصوع، بإرتريا. يصور العساكر الإرتريين وبعض الضباط الايطالين. ماتبقوا من المعركة التى كانت ب...تاريخ 1 مارس 1896، وبين الجيش الإيطالي والاثيوبي - بعد ان انتصر الإثيوبيين في تلك المعركة الشهيره وكان هناك حوالي 2000 جندي إرتري الذين كانوا في خدمة الجيش الايطالي بعضهم قتلوا وأسروا حوالي 800. و عقابا لهم على ما يعتبره الإثيوبيين خيانة، من قبض عليهم تم قطع اليد اليمنى والقدم اليسرى. وتم ذلك في دير الأنبا جاريما شرق عدوة، في منطقة تجراي في شمال إثيوبيا. توفي العديد من الأسرى. هذا الفيديو معروض في متحف الاثنوغرافيا، باستوكهولم، السويد

Monday 8 May 2017

When the ill fated National Development Campaign (NDC) was launched May 2, 1998

When the PFDJ launched the ill-fated National Development Campaign (NDC) in 1998 just few days before the Badme War. It was to begin on 29th April,1998 and was supposed to end on the 28th May, 1998. About 50,000 youth participated in it, BUT IT NEVER ENDED. After a series of armed incidents in which several Eritrean officials were killed near Badme on the 6th of May, 1998,  a large Eritrean mechanized force entered and occupied Badme and refused to leave. Ethiopia declared war on the 13th of May and on June 5, the Ethiopian Air Force launched attacks at Asmara Airport and the Eritrean Air Force retaliated by attacking Mekelle, and a full fledged war broke out


Thursday 4 May 2017

In the mind of the dictator September 1992

In the mind of the dictator September 1992

Interview of Secretary General Isaias Afwerki with Al Sharq Al Awsat 16.08.92 translated selections in English on establishment of a multi-party democracy, realtions with the Arab world and other relevant issues. On political parties he mentions that the EPLF will dissolve itself and that if the EPLF was the sole and influential and dominant party it would not contribute to a healthy political atmosphere.....

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Eritrea who was who in 1992

Eritrea who was who in 1992

On May 22, the Provisional Government of Eritrea (PGE) issued Proclamation No. 23/1992 on the Structure of the PGE. It was stated that the Central Committee (CC) of the EPLF will be the legislative body until the referendum is completed and a permanent constitutional government is established. The Executive authority was decided to a 28 member Advisory Council headed by the Secretary General. The other members were to be the Governors of the 10 provinces and the various secretaries for the different sectors. The following were the members of the then Advisory Council

Thanks to Prof. Kjetil Tronvoll for sharing