Tuesday 29 December 2015

أرتريا القضية والتحدي تأليف عبدالقادر جيلاني

ويحتوي الكتاب نسخة من الدستور الارتري لعام ١٩٥٢ باللغة العربية  ص. ١١٠ ـ ١٥٥

A book on Eritrea by Abdulgadir Jelani


شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره الكتاب

Tigrait folktales written in Tigre Text (Geez) 1910 القصص الشعبية بلغة التقراية مكتوبة بحروف الجيز

القصص الشعبية بلغة التقراية مكتوبة بحروف الجيز التي جمعها أنوليتمان ١٩١٠

You can read and download the collection of Enno Littmann's Tigrait folktales written in Tigre Text (Geez)  1910 here:

شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره الرابط

Monday 28 December 2015

الفنانان ﻋﺜﻤﺎن ﻋﺒد اﻟرﺤﻴم وحسين محمد علي في حوار الأسرار والصراحة 2003

Interviews with artists Osman Abdulrahim and Hussein Mohamed Ali, in Arabic, 2003
Osman talks among other things on how he was kidnapped by the ELF from Kassala

اﻟﻔﻨﺎن ﻋﺜﻤﺎن ﻋﺒد اﻟرﺤﻴم ﻴﻨﻔض اﻟﻐﺒﺎر ﻋن ﻤذﻛارﺘﻪ وذاﻛرﺘﻪ  ﻋﺜﻤﺎن ﻴﻛﺸف ﺘﻔﺎﺼﻴﻝ ﺘﻨﻘﻼﺘﻪ ﺒﻴن اﻟﺠﺒﻬﺔ وﻗوات اﻟﺘﺤرﻴر واﻟﺤﻛوﻤﺔ  و ﻴﺘﺤدث ﻋن ﻤﻼﺒﺴﺎت اﺨﺘطﺎﻓﻪ ﻤن ﻤدﻴﻨﺔ ﻛﺴﻼ  وﻴﻌﺘرف ﺒﺘﺄﺜر اﻟﻔﻨﺎﻨﻴن ﺒﺎﻷوﻀﺎع اﻟﺴﻴﺎﺴﻴﺔ وﺘارﺠﻊ اﻷﻏﻨﻴﺔ اﻹرﻴﺘرﻴﺔ  ﺤﺎورﻩ ﻓﻲ ﻓارﻨﻛﻔورت / ﻤﺤﻤد طﻪ ﺘوﻛﻝ 2003


الفنان حسين محمد علي في حوار الأسرار والصراحة : · دهش رفاقي في (الخلوة) عندما ترنمت بأغنية ود أمير.. · اختطاف الفنان عثمان كانت غلطة دفعت أنا ثمنها.. · الراحل سبي أكثر من اهتم بالفنانين الإرتريين.. · الأغنية الإرترية ساهمت في نشر الوعي الوطني .. · الأمين عبد اللطيف عارض فكرة احترافي للفن .. · جمعية مسرح أسمرا كانت قاعدة متقدمة للجبهة في الداخل.. حاوره في لندن / محمد طه توكل


شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره المادة

Sunday 27 December 2015

ترانيــم ثورية من ارتــريا

A collection of revolutionary poetry on Eritrea, in Arabic, written by Eritrean and Arab poets

ترانيــم ثورية من ارتــريا

اصدار جمعية المعلمين الإرتريين ١٩٨٤

مجموعة اشعار ثورية عن ارتريا لشعراء ارتريين وعرب

الشكر لعامرصالح حقوص لتوفيره الكتاب

Saturday 26 December 2015

No Medicine for the bite of a white snake: notes on nationalism and Resistance in Eritrea, 1882-1940

No Medicine for the bite of a white snake: Notes on Nationalism and Resistance in Eritrea, 1882-1940 

a 1986 publication by Tekeste Negash

can be accessed here;


Thursday 24 December 2015



A 2010 PhD thesis by ROBIN DALE HADAWAY

It includes a chapter on:  Folk Islam case study: the Beja tribe of the Sudan, Introduction to the Beja tribe,  History of the Beja tribe, Early Beja history, Colonial Beja history, Recent Beja history, Beja society, Beja socieo-economic situation, The Beja personality, The Beja culture, The Beja language, The Beja religion, Beja values and worldview


The origins of Ad Sheikh in German, Tigrait, English أصول عد شيخ

أصول عد شيخ

أسرة عد شيخ من الآسر الدينية أدواراً فعالة في نشر الإسلام  وشرائعه وثقافته في المنطقة الممتدة بين البحر الأحمر ووادي النيل خلال فترة " نهضة الإسلام".  وتستمد عادة هذه الأسر والعشائر " قداستها الدينية " من إدعائها بالإنتماء إلي الأشراف وإمتلاكهم بركات قابلة للتوريث خصهم بها الله. وان أسرة عد شيخ والتجار ورجال الدين المرتبطين بأسرة النائب من البلو والتي كانت تتمتع بنفوذ واسع في سواحل إقليم سمهر، والطريقة الختمية الحديثة التكوين التي أسسها السيد محمد عثمان الميرغني المولود في مكة (1794 – 1852م)، كل هؤلاء كانوا يقومون بنشر الإسلام  وإحياء تعاليمه في المنطقة خلال هذه الفترة.

وقد تمكنت اسرة عد شيخ والشيوخ المرتبطين بأل نائب خلال الفترة من 1820 إلي 1850من لعب أدوار حاسمة في تحويل فروع من قبيلة بيت أسقدي ( حباب ، وعد تكليس ، وعدتماريام)، وقبائل المنسع والماريا، وبيت جوك ، وفروع من البلين إلي الإسلام  بعد تخليهم عن مختلف الأشكال المحلية للديانة المسيحية.   وقد بدأت أسرة عد شيخ التي يعود أصولها إلي الشريف حسين شريف مكة، في كسب نفوذ واسع الإنتشار في اقليم الساحل منذ أوائل القرن التاسع عشر، وذلك من خلال ما كان يقدمه الشيخ 
الأمين بن حامد بن نافعوتاي من مواعظ دينية وأعمال عجيبة 

The origins of Ad Sheikh in German and in Tigrait

Ad Sheikh is one of the religious families that helped in the spread of Islam along the coast of the Red Sea and the Nile Basin. This family traces its origin to Mecca. They played a big role between 1820 - 1850 in converting branches of the Beit Asgede tribes (Habab, Ad Tecles and Ad Temariam), and the tribes of Mensaa, Maria and Beit Juk to Islam.



pdf file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ve2nj7xpo6sa86s/Ad+Sheikh_English+translation.pdf

The English translation by Omer Abdulgadir Mohamed Ali


Revisiting the "Black Man"s burden: Eritrea and the curse of the nation-state


A 2010 Masters thesis by Aman Sium

can be accessed here:


Thanks to Omer Abdulgadir Mohamed Ali for sharing the link

This thesis argues that the state apparatus has failed to provide Africans with a culturally compatible form of governance. The state is a product of colonial origin, and thus, has failed to resonate with Indigenous African spirituality, moral consciousness or political tradition. By grounding my argument in the Eritrean context, I make the case that the Eritrean state – not unlike other African states – is failing in three fundamental ways. First, it is oppressive towards Indigenous institutions of governance, particularly the village baito practiced in the rural highlands of Eritrea. Second, the state promotes a national identity that has been arbitrarily formed and colonially imposed in place of Indigenous ones, such as those formed around regional or linguistic groupings. Lastly, because the Eritrean state is a rather new phenomenon that suffers from a crisis of legitimacy, it inevitably falls back on processes of violence, coercion and control to assert its authority.

Chapter Five: is on the Case of Tigrinya People in Eritrea: Anatomy of the Village Baito, Core Principles: enacting the spirit of Wefera and Adetatnan/Abotatna Kem Zemharuna, the examples of the Tigrinya naming ceremony and conflict resolution, Re-asserting Indigenous Nationalism and Trans-territorial Identity, Resisting State Violence and De-indigenization

Nationalism and Secession in the Horn of Africa: A Critique of the Ethnic Interpretation

Nationalism and Secession in the Horn of Africa: A Critique of the Ethnic Interpretation

القومية والانفصال في القرن الأفريقي: دراسة نقدية للتفسير العرقي
بالإشارة للتجربة الارترية وتجربة الصوماليلاند 

A 1999 PhD thesis by Dominique Jacquin

can be accessed here:


This thesis seeks to assess the relevance of existing theories about the origins of nationalism and investigate more specifically the claim that nationalism is rooted in ethnicity. It does so by examining the cases of Eritrea and Somaliland, which proclaimed their independence in May 1991 after seceding from the states to which they were formerly united. Having explained in the introduction why International Relations needs to take a closer look at the causes of nationalism, the second chapter proceeds to review some of the main theories about the origins of nationalism. It retraces the history of the primordialist-modernist debate, discusses the main contentions of the ethnonationalist approach and presents some of the factors singled-out by recent scholarship as propitious for the emergence of nationalism. Given that most of the theories about the origins of nationalism presented in chapter two centre on Europe, chapter three surveys the literature on the rise of nationalism in Africa i_n order to determine whether any additional factors need to be considered before analysing Eritrea and Somaliland. Chapter three also includes a discussion of the anthropological literature on ethnicity in Africa and questions the ethnonationalist claim that ethnic groups are pre-modern. Using as a framework the factors identified previously, chapter four offers a historical account of the emergence of nationalism in Eritrea. Chapter five does the same for the case of Somaliland. As the analysis provided in chapters four and five illustrate, the claim that nationalism and secession have ethnic roots is not empirically substantiated by the cases of Eritrea and Somaliland. The thesis concludes by discussing the practical implications of these fmdings with regard to the right of secession and proposals for boundary adjustment in Africa. It also highlights the ways International Relations may contribute to our understanding of the causes of nationalism.

The book discusses among other things:
What is an ethnic group? How it is defined ( some consider it to compose of those who conceive themselves as being alike by virtue of their common ancestry, real or fictitious, and who are regarded as such by others), and how it developed through history?

Factors that gave rise to nationalism in Africa, how literate and bilingual elites played a role in the rise of nationalism in Africa, how the number of Africans who had access to secondary and university education, at home or abroad, produced the most nationalist leaders,  Nationalism in Africa, as the expression of African elites discontent with the European colonial administration, how Europeans had been very successful in implanting the territorial state in Africa and had been 'able to draw sharp boundaries, not only in political and economic reality, but also in the psychic identity and cultural vision on the new elites, The legitimation and enforcement of existing ex-colonial international boundaries in Africa is undoubtedly the supreme purpose of the O.A.U., but very few of those boundaries have substantial indigenous African referents, so we cannot conclude that the O.A.U. is maintaining traditional African national identities.

How tribes developed into ethnic groups under colonialism, some anthropologists and historians argue that ethnic identities in Africa were the product of 19th and 20th century age of European imperialism, mass politics and cultural nationalism, To say that ethnic groups and nations are modem occurrences is not to deny their importance or appeal. It is evident that some groups in Africa have achieved an ethnic or national self-consciousness and that this consciousness dictates their political demands...

 On the discussion of the emergenee of nationalism in Africa, particular attention is  given to the following when discussing the cases of Eritrea and Somaliland. 1) economic factors, indicated by industrialization, urbanization and the development of networks of communication; 2) sociological factors, such as the level of education as indicated by the number of state-run or mission-schools, literacy and more specifically the rise of an educated elite; 3) political factors, that is the existence of a modem state administration with a geographically demarcated territory and its attempts to instill a sense of nationhood; 4) ideological factors such as the prevalence/Western ideas of democracy and national self-determination; 5) psychological factors such as discrimination and exclusion, and more importantly the impact of war on identity formation. Finally, and more importantly, notwithstanding the above discussion about the modernity of ethnie identities, we will investigate the extent to which Eritrea and Somaliland's claims to national self-determination were ethnically motivated. Indeed, the ethno-nationalist empirical contention is that ethnicity is the main cause behind today's nationalist claims and hence behind secession. The fact that states have regularly been challenged by ethno-regional movements seeking greater


Thanks to Omer Abdelgadir Mohamed Ali for sharing the link

Wednesday 23 December 2015

قصة علي النهاري من رواد تجارة اللؤلؤ في دهلك ومصوع The story of the Dahlak Archipelago’s wealthiest pearl merchant, ‘Ali al-Nahari

The story of the Dahlak Archipelago’s wealthiest pearl merchant, ‘Ali al-Nahari (d. 1930), who had traded directly with Europe and and had invested his earnings in real estate in in the early decades of the twentieth century. Henry de Monfreid (1879-1974), the eccentric French adventurer, commercial entrepreneur, arms and drug smuggler and author of dozens of books, immortalized ‘Ali al-Nahari as one of the principal characters in his first and most known book, Les secrets de le mer Rouge. (Jonathan Miran)

قصة علي النهاري من رواد تجارة اللؤلؤ في دهلك  ومصوع
بقلم أحمد السيد عثمان

Article by Ahmed Seid Osman in Arabic:


شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره المقال


Jonathan Miran’s “Diving for the sky’s tears: The pearl Industry in the Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea, 1860s – 1930

Explores various aspects of the evolution of the lucrative and labor intensive pearling industry in the Dahlak Archipelago off the Eritrean coasts in a period that witnessed this area’s spectacular and dynamic integration into global commercial structures. Serving as an excellent example of the ways by which commercial transformation in the wider area amplified the chain of production, trade and consumption of marine products, the pearling industry involved a distinct infrastructure of financing, labor and commercialization which married an assortment of Red Sea and Indian Ocean actors.  Pearl divers who were either ‘African’ slaves or freed slaves and ‘Arabs’ provided the labor (the paper explains the problems ambiguities with these terms), Persian Gulf, Hijazi, Yemeni, Dahlaki or Massawan boat owners handled fishing crews and provided for transportation, whereas Indian and Arab merchants financed pearl-fishing enterprises and purchased the luxurious marine products that found their way to Bombay and to consumers in the capitals of Europe, especially London, Paris and Vienna.  The Dahlak pearling industry epitomizes interregional connections across the north-western and reveals how Italian colonial intervention in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century aimed to “modernize” and render more economically efficient this economic sector in their colony. The paper includes a discussion of the exceptional case of the Archipelago’s wealthiest pearl merchant, ‘Ali al-Nahari (d. 1930), who had traded directly with Europe and and had invested his earnings in real estate in in the early decades of the twentieth century. Henry de Monfreid (1879-1974), the eccentric French adventurer, commercial entrepreneur, arms and drug smuggler and author of dozens of books, immortalized ‘Ali al-Nahari as one of the principal characters in his first and most known book, Les secrets de le mer Rouge.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

The concept of a civilian state and political program of the Er. Islamic Party

الحزب الاسلامي الارتري للعدالة والتنمية

The concept of the civilian state of the Eritrean Islamic Party for Justice and Development (EIPJD) in Arabic:
مفهوم الدولة المدنية لدى الحزب الإسلامي الإرتري 


The concept of the civilian state of the Eritrean Islamic Party for Justice and Development (EIPJD) in Tigrinya:

ኤርትራዊ እስላማዊ ሰልፊ ንፍትሕን ልምዓትን ተረድኦ
ኣብ ምቛ ም  ስቪላዊ መን ግ ስ ቲ ፡



The political program of the EIPJD in Tigrinya:

እስላማዊ ሰልፊ ኤርትራ ንፍትሕን ልምዓትን ፖለቲካዊ ፕሮግርም


The political program of the EIPJD in English:


The political program of EIPJD in Arabic:
البرنامج السياسي العام


إريتريا : رؤية الاسلاميين لنظام الحكم

Monday 21 December 2015

بيان صادر من جبهة التحريرالأرترية الوطنية الأسلامية ١٩٨٢

بيان صادر من جبهة التحريرالأرترية الوطنية الأسلامية ١٩٨٢

يعدد جرائم حزب العمل وربما يلقي الضوء علي أزمة الجبهة وتكوين التنظيمات الأسلامية

A Statement by the Nationalist Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front in 1982 which sheds light on the deep crisis of the ELF, lists about 32 'crimes' of the ELF's clandestine Labour Party, 'crimes' of the EPLF-TPLF coalition and sheds light on the formation of the Eritrean Islamic organizations, calls on the respect of the religious values of both Muslims and Christians in Eritrea. A document worth reading, but available in Arabic


شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره الكتاب

Tamrat Layne: The Prime Minister of Ethiopia the country and the world has forgotten

Tamrat Layne: The Prime Minister of Ethiopia (1991 – 1995) that the country and the world has forgotten :

Tamrat Layne, was the first Prime Minister of Ethiopia after Mengistu Haile Mariam was overthrown. He led the Ethiopian Peoples’ democratic Movement that later became Amhara National Democratic Movement which is one of the coalition partners in EPRDF. He was the first Prime Minister of the Transitional Ethiopian Government from June 1991 – August 1995. He was succeeded by Meles Zenawi and became deputy prime minister (August 22  1995 – October 1996). He was accused of corruption and imprisoned. He served 12 years in solitary confinement before his release, in 2008. He claims he has seen Jesus when in prison and has thus become a devout Christian, sine then.

تمرات لاينى،  أول رئيس وزراء إثيوبيا بعد الإطاحة بنظام منغستو هيلا مريام عام ١٩٩١. شغل المنصب لمدة ٥ سنوات وخلفه في المنسب ملس زيناوي. تم اتهامه بالفساد وقضي ١٢ عام في سجن إنفرادي. مصيره  في الواقع مماثل لمصير اللواء محمد نجيب ، أول رئس جمهورية في مصرفي ١٩٥٢. اخلتف مع عبد الناصروقضي ١٨ سنة تحت الإقامة الجبرية في ظروف سيئة

Meles Zenawi announcing the removal of Tamrat from power:
 A 2014, Tamrat Layne Interview:

His fate is actually similar to that of General Mohamed Najib in Egypt. General Mohamed Najib was the first president of Egypt after the 1952 revolution, Disagreements with Gamal Abdel Nasser led to his forced removal from power and was under house arrest for 18 years, where he lived under very poor conditions. He was released by President Sadat in 1972.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Hedgait, one year old: A modest stock assessment السنة الاولي من عمر هيدقايت

Hedgait, one year old: A modest stock assessment

Hedgait was launched 21 December, 2014:

It has so far:  489 items (opinions, articles, pictures, videos, historical books, etc. )
         -   Visits from more than 45 countries
         -  Another old text Item: Portuguese Expedition to Abyssinia 1441 - 1443
         -   Oldest pictures on Eritrea from 1890s
         -  Oldest video on Eritrea from around 1912
The 5 most read items:

o   The struggle of the Eritrean people: from where to where, a TPLF 1985 Publication, in Tigrinya, with 1184 views http://hedgait.blogspot.com.eg/2015/06/the-struggle-of-eritrean-people-from.html

o   ELF group that was trained in China in 1967, with 1106 views http://hedgait.blogspot.com.eg/2014/12/picture-elf-group-that-was-training-in.html

o   Suleiman Hindi’s ‘Forgotten pages of the Eritrean Revolution’ in Arabic, with 1030 views http://hedgait.blogspot.com.eg/2015/11/blog-post_3.html

o   Tesfamichael Giorgo’s paper on the early connection of Isaias Afworki with the Haile Sellasie regime and the CIA, in Amharic, Tigrinya and Arabic with 807 views http://hedgait.blogspot.com.eg/2015/12/tesfamichael-giorjo-on-isaias.html

o   F.S. Nadel’s 1944 book, “Tribes and Races of Eritrea”, Arabic Translation, with 696 views

Thanks to all those who share documents with Hedgait, enriching its contents,

السنة الاولي من عمر هيدقايت: احصائة متوا ضعة

تم تدشينها ٢١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٤:

- تشمل حتى الآن ٤٨٩ عينة (اراء ، مقالات ، صور وفيديو وكتب تاريخية، الخ)

سجلة حتي الان ٢٠٢،٧٥٦ زيارة-

  - ٦٧   متابعين -  

- أقدم مادة مكتوبة: رسائل من النبي محمد إلى ملك الحبشة وملوك أخرين

مخطوطة قديمة أخري: الحملة البرتغالية إلى الحبشة ١٤٤١ ـ ١٤٤٣

- أقدم صور من إريتريا منذ ١٨٩٠

- اقدم فيديو من إريتريا منذ ١٩١٢ 
- البنود ال ٥ الأكثر قراءة:

 نضال الشعب الاريتري، من أين إلى أين والذي اعدته جبهة تحرير شعب تيقراي ١٩٨٥،  بالتقرينية، ١١٨٤ --زيارة

  مجموعة الجبهة التي تم تدريبهم في الصين في عام ١٩٦٧، مع ١١٠٦ زيارة

 'صفحات منسية من الثورة الإريترية "بقلم سليمان هندي ، مع ١٠٣٠ زيارة

ورقة تسفاميكائل عن اتصالات  أسياس أفورقي مع نظام هيلا سيلاسي ووكالة الاستخبارات المركزية، ٨٠٧  زيارة

 كتاب " القبائل والأعراق في إريتريا"،  ٦٩٦ زيارة

Friday 18 December 2015

قصائد ومسرحيات الأديب الاريتري، أحمد سعد ١٩٤٥ - ١٩٧٨

قصائد ومسرحيات الأديب الاريتري، أحمد سعد  ١٩٤٥ - ١٩٧٨
 ولد في حرقيقو وأكمل الابتدائية والإعدادية، هناك. درس المرحلة الثانوية في مدرسة الجالية العربية ال في أسمرة. تخرج في عام ١٩٧٦ في الهندسة من جامعة القاهرة. غادربعدها الى ليبيا  حيث توفي في حادث سيارة .

شكرا لكل الذين جمعو هذه الاعمال ونشروها عام ٢٠١٣ في صفحة
Hamid Idris Awate FB 

The poems and plays of Eritrean literary artist Ahmed Saad (1945 - 1978)
His works, which are in Arabic, were about Eritrea and the Eritrean Revolution.. He was born in Hergigo in 1945. He completed his elementary and junior secondary, there. He studied secondary school at Jallia (Arab Community School) in Asmara. He later graduated in 1976 in Engineering from the University of Cairo. He left to Libya afterwards where died in a car accident in Tripoli in 1978.

Part I:  

الجزء الأول


الجزء الثاني
Part II:


 شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره الكتاب

Islam in Abyssinia a 1935 Arabic Publication الاسلام في الحبشة ١٩٣٥

Islam in Abyssinia a 1935 Arabic Publication
الاسلام في الحبشة ١٩٣٥

شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره الكتاب

Wednesday 16 December 2015

كتاب عن مفوضية مصوع ١٩١٠

كتاب عن مفوضية مصوع ١٩١٠ 

شكرا لي عمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لتوفيره الكتاب

Commissariato di Massaua 1910 

An Arabic translation from the original Italian book



Monday 14 December 2015

Language, Education, and Public Policy in Eritrea

A 2003, article on Language, Education and Public policy in Eritrea by Tekle Woldemikael that examines the period between 1991 - 1997

 مقالة نقدية عن سياسة الحكومةعن التعليم بلغة الام  في إريتريا والتي كتبها تكلي ولدى ميكائل  عام ٢٠٠٣ وتقطي الفترة ما بين ١٩٩١ ـ ١٩٩٧

can be downloaded here:


Sunday 13 December 2015

وثائق المجلس الوطني الإرتري ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንድሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ሰነዳት ENCDC Documents

الميثاق  السياسي للمجلس الوطني الإرتري للتغيير الديمقراطي
أقر في المؤتمر الوطني للتغيير الديمقراطي 
2011 نوفمبر 


ፖልቲካዊ ቻርተር ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንድሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ

The Ethiopian extermination campaign of 1967 and Sudanese press at the time

March 1967

The Ethiopia extermination campaign of 1967 

This just documents few of the earlier crimes.


and the reaction of the Sudanese and world press


Thanks to Alamin Idris for sharing the documents

Some of the most brutal massacres in 1967 were carried out by the Eritrean Commandos units. They were illiterate persons brainwashed that they are fighting an Islamic revolt. They are responsible for the crimes they committed. When they realized that they were mistaken, many joined the armed struggle. None in the ELF, ever, accused Christians of killing Muslims. Isaias Afworki and his 'Nehnan Elmanan' group spoke of atrocities committed by the ELF against Christians. They spoke of about 300 Christian university students killed by the ELF, what is known as 'Sireyt Addis'. No one has yet to produce 10 names , let alone 300. He ended up killing many Christians than what he claimed the ELF killed. He played this dangerous religious tone to split from the ELF and maintained this tone even after liberation.

Suleiman Hindi recalls that in one meeting of Isaias with fighters from PLF 1 group, in 1971, one of the fighters, Ahmed Omer Hassaballahasked Isias how do you want to form an organization of Christian fighters when you have killed 3 fighters from Akle Guzai without trial. Isaias responded, "How do you ask me about 3 fighters killed; when we all know how many Christian fighters were killed by you. We owe you 5 tankers of blood. If we were to count that, we could not have had any cooperation with you."

This is also what Isaias Afeworki old  to an Amharic language magazine in Addis Ababa published in September 1997,  Issue volume 1, number 1.

"If I were not aware of our own situation, I would have described the grisly mass murders in Somalia, Rwanda, former Yugoslavia and Liberia as barbaric crimes perpetrated by backward peoples. I would have said 'we are different, we are not like them'. But what we had gone through in Eritrea was not different from what is going on in other countries. We in Eritrea suffered mass murders, one ethnic and geographic group cleansing the other in a cowardly and inordinate manner. We have now come a long way from that past, and the present and future generations [in Eritrea] who had not seen what we did would be surprised of what is going on in Somalia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Liberia. The surprise comes because they did not know what had happened in our country. Seen from this angle, it would appear that the present and future generations would benefit from knowing about it. But unless done in a constructive way, making the new generation aware of a black spot in its history is a bit difficult".

Perhaps referring that there was a genocide against Christians in the ELF. Let alone a genocide,  no one can substantiate, to date, that many persons were killed. He is a brutal murderer who has no religion, I do not think his reference to Christians is because he loves them more; but simply to extend his rule by creating divisions. Something he has mastered for a long time.

The ELF has probably killed more Muslims than Christians and Isaias has killed many, many Christians (that he was supposed to protect) than the ELF did.


But when the victims keep silent, they become the accused, and the perpetrators, the accusers.

Haggai in his book, “The Struggle over Eritrea, 1962 – 1978”,  published 1983 details how Asrate Kassa, Governor then, had close relations to Israel and with their support he built in 1965, the ‘Commandos’, or ‘101’. By the end of 1965 it was a battalion-size unit comprising nine superbly trained companies. Its central base was Dekemhare, where the recruits mostly Christian Eritreans – were trained by the Israelis. It was also known as the ‘Governor’s private army.’ 

He writes, “Asrate Kassa, who saw Islam as the main enemy of Ethiopian nationalism, seems to have initiated the anti-Muslim campaign. He had long tried to orient Ethiopia’s regional policy on Israel, and Israeli advisors were almost permanent guests in his Asmara Palace. Israeli victory in the six days war contributed significantly in Asrate Kassa’s growing influence. Following his advice, the Emperor consented to a more flexible policy in troubled Eritrea. 

A general amnesty was proclaimed, Christian Tigreans considered loyal to the Government were armed, and Asrate Kassa met with religious functionaries to persuade them to encourage their followers to cooperate with the Government… By the end of 1967, some one hundred rebels, including an important Christian leader, had surrendered.” He states that that campaign of massacring the population and the burning of villages in coincided with return from the Adobha meeting of the fighters of the defunct Tripartite.

Friday 11 December 2015

Political Parties in Africa الأحزاب السياسية في أفريقيا

Political Parties in Africa: Challenges for Sustained Multiparty Democracy
Africa Regional Report, based on research and dialogue with political parties

الأحزاب السياسية في أفريقيا: تحديات التعددية الديمقراطية

If our political parties that were formed in 1946-1947, were still alive in one form or another, today they will be 69 years old. We could have prided ourselves that we have the oldest political parties in Africa. That was all lost, because of our differences. There is no use crying over spilt milk, that can’t be brought back. But our new generation has the ability, the moral responsibility and the will to form a new, democratic , all-inclusive Eritrea, including the PFDJ if it is to reform itself to play with democratic principles. This can be done only through a process of tolerance, acceptance and reconciliation; not through revenge and exclusion of the other. We cannot bring back all the lives lost and opportunities missed through hatred and revenge, We just need to ensure that such atrocities cannot happen again through a fair forward-looking justice system.

By the way, the oldest existing political party in the world is the Democratic Party in the USA, formed in 1790s. The oldest political party in Britain is the Conservative Party, established in 1832. The oldest political party in sub-Saharan Africa is the ANC in South Africa established in 1912. 

إذا كانت  أحزابنا السياسية التي تشكلت في ١٩٤٦ ـ ١٩٤٧،لا تزال موجودة في شكل  أو آخر،كانت اليوم تحتفل بعيد ميلادها ال  ٦٩. كان يمكن أن نفتخر بأن لدينا أقدم الأحزاب السياسية في أفريقيا.  فقدنا كل شيء، بسبب خلافاتنا. ليس هناك جدوى من البكاء على اللبن المسكوب، الذي لا يمكن تعويده. ولكن االجيل الحالي لديه القدرة، والمسؤولية الأخلاقية وألإرادة لتشكيل دولة ديمقراطية تشمل ،  للجميع ، بما في ذلك  الهقدف إذا كان تم إعادت ترتيب نفسه للعب  بمبادئ الديمقراطية. ويمكن أن يتم كل ذلك من خلال عملية التسامح والقبول والمصالحة؛ وليس عن طريق الانتقام وإقصاء الآخر.  لا يمكننا تعويد كل الأرواح التي فقدت والفرص الضائعة من خلال الكراهية والانتقام. نحن بحاجة فقط للتأكد من أن هذه الأعمال الوحشية لا يمكن أن تتكرر مرة أخرى من خلال جهاز قضائ عادل يتطلع الي الأمام.

بالمناسبة، أقدم حزب اسياسي قائم في العالم هو الحزب الديمقراطي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، الذي تشكل في ١٧٩٠. أقدم حزب سياسي في بريطانيا هو حزب المحافظين، التي أنشئ في ١٨٣٢. أقدم حزب سياسي في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى هي حزب المؤتمر الوطني الافريقي في جنوب افريقيا التي أنشئ في عام ١٩١٢.


Wednesday 9 December 2015

الورقة التي قدمها تسفاميكائل جورجو في الندوة التي نظمها الدرق بمصوع عام ١٩٨٢

الورقة التي قدمها تسفاميكائل جورجو في الندوة التي نظمها الدرق بمصوع عام ١٩٨٢
وهنا تفاصيل الاتصالات بين أسياس أفورقي وتنظيمه "سلفي نظانت" مع نظام  هيلا سيلاسي ووكالة المخابرات المركزية في محطة 'كاقنو' مع إشارات الي ارقام الرسائل والتقارير المكتوبة انذاك. 


الشكرللمهندس إبراهيم أبوبكرالذي عرفني بموقع

የተገንጣዮችና የሲ.አይ.ኤ. ግንኙነት (በተስፋንኪኤል ጆርጆ) Tesfamichael Giorjo on Isaias

የምፅዋ ሲምፖዚዩም (ጥር 1974 /ም (1982 GC) የተገንጣዮችና የሲ.አይ.. ግንኙነት (በተስፋንኪኤል ጆርጆ)  

The paper presented by Tesfamichael Giorgo at the Massawa Symposium organized by the Derg 1982 (1974 EC)

Here he details contacts between 'Selfi Natznet' led by Isaias Afeworki with the Haile Sellasie regime and the CIA at Kagnew Station, with references of the letters and reports written. He gives an account about the splits in the Eritrean Revolution, about 'Menkae' and how liquidated and more

الورقة التي قدمها تسفاميكائل جورجو في الندوة التي نظمها الدرق بمصوع عام ١٩٨٢
وهنا تفاصيل الاتصالات بين أسياس أفورقي وتنظيمه "سلفي نظانت" مع نظام  هيلا سيلاسي ووكالة المخابرات المركزية في محطة 'كاقنو' مع إشارات الي ارقام الرسائل والتقارير المكتوبة انذاك. أمل في ترجمة أهم ماجاء بها لاحقا 

The Amharic version:

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The story of Adei Mahlu Bokru Keran of Sesah village, in Akle Guzai

قصة الام محلو بخرو من اكلي قوازي من قبيلة إنقانا والتي تدعي انها من سلالة قريش من الجزيرة العربية

The story of  Adei Mahlu Bokru Keran of Sesah village, in Akle Guzai that sheds light on how life was there some 130 years back. The story of Her tribe the Ingana'a is situated in Akele Guzai north, bordered with the Seharti of Hamassien. It is a little tribe. They say that their origin is from Kuresh of Arabia (Quraysh was the tribe of the Prophet Mohamed)

They were all these centuries holding to their identity, surrounded with other powerful tribes. The word Ingana'a means Ingoo na’a, or hyena come, because hyenas ate too many of their livestocks. The Ingana'a tribe used to hold council meetings in a place called elephant bone, between Metsalu and Keyeh Khor, just outside Dekemhare. There were abundant of elephants earlier, which gave the tree's name. And how life was difficult it was to convert from Orthodox to the Catholic Church.


Courtesy of Aida Kidane

Monday 7 December 2015

ISLAMISM IN THE HORN OF AFRICA الحركات الإسلامیة في القرن الأفریقي

ISLAMISM IN THE HORN OF AFRICA: Assessing Ideology, Actors, and Objectives by Terje Østebø, a 2010, ILPI publication

Can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wm21az8gaitjvdg/Islamism-in-the-Horn-of-Africa.pdf

 ;الحركات الإسلامیة في القرن الأفریقي التوجھات الفكریة، وأھم الجھات الفاعلة، والأھداف

Saturday 5 December 2015

Names of Eritrean Government Schools with number of teachers and students 1959

Names of Eritrean Government Schools with number of teachers and students 1959

أسماء المدارس الحكومية الإريترية مع عدد المعلمين والطلاب 1959

Courtesy of Aida Kidane

Wednesday 2 December 2015

The profile of the members of the Eritrean Assembly of 1952

السيرة الذاتية المختصرة للأعضاء البرلمان الإريتري لعام 1952

The profile of the members of the Eritrean Assembly of 1952

It can be downloaded here


Thanks to Aida Kidane for the document

Tuesday 1 December 2015

ارتريا جزائر الساحل الافريقي - توثيق متكامل عن جرائم نظام هيلي سلاسي Ethiopian army atrocities

ارتريا جزائر الساحل الافريقي بقلم سيد أحمد خليفة
 ـ يمثل أول توثيق متكامل عن جرائم نظام هيلي سلاسي: قائمة بأسماء القري التي تم احراقها تشمل ٦٢ قرية في القاش وبركة و 
١٧٤ في منطقة كرن ٨٦ في المناطق الاسلامية في سراي وأكلي قوزاي وبلاغات  الجبهة واسماء من قتلو

شكرا لي عامر صالح حقوص لتوفيره هذه الوثيقة

Eritrea: The Algeria of the African coast a thorough documentation of the atrocities committed during the Haile Sellasie regime in Eritrea: names of 62 villages burned in one week in Gash and Barca, 174 villages in the Keren region, 86 in Muslim villages in Seraye and Akle Guzai, names of people killed ....

Thanks to Aamer Saleh Hagos for sharing the document


Monday 30 November 2015

عندما كانت إيطاليا توزع لزعماء القبائل المسلمين فرمانات كتبت عليها ءايات قرءانية

عندما كانت إيطاليا توزع لزعماء القبائل المسلمين فرمانات كتبت عليها ءايات قرءانية
المصدر:كتاب "ا لمنھل لتاریخ وأخبار العفر (الدناكل)، للشیخ جمال الدین الشامي وابنه الدكتور ھاشم جمال الدین الشامي ، ص. ٢٩١

Sunday 29 November 2015

الأحزاب السياسية في فترة تقرير المصير في إرتريا بقلم الشيخ محمد إسماعيل عبده

الأحزاب السياسية في فترة تقرير المصير في إرتريا

بقلم الشيخ  محمد إسماعيل عبده الذي توفي ٢٠٠٨م وقد شغل الشهيد رئس القيادة العامة لجيش التحرير الارتري بالميدان وشغل لاحقا رئيس مجلس الشورى في حركة الخلاص الإسلامي الإرتري 

الشكر لعمر عبدالقادر محمد علي لمشاركتنا بهذا الكتيب 
