Tuesday 30 June 2015

Eritrean population Statistics

Eritrean population statistics

In Eritrea, even population breakdown by ethnicity or religion or other parameters is regarded as confidential, here are some population figures:

في عام 1908 كان  عدد السكان في اريتريا 274,944 من المواطنين و 2930 من الاروبيين.  في عام 1910 كان يقدر ثلثي السكان على أنهم. مسلمين .سكان المناطق الريفية في الهضبة الجنوبية،  كانو 23,000 في عام 1910، اما في عام 1948 وصل العدد الي 400،000 . وقد كان هذا الرتفاع المفاجئ نتيجة مهاجرين من تقراي الذين قدمولقلة الايادي العاملة في الريف الارتري بالمرتفعات نتيجة التجنيد الاجباري من قبل الايطاليين والهجرة الي المدن،

In 1908 there was a population of 274,944 natives and 2,930 whites. As far as the natives were concerned, however, these figures were only approximate and did not include all the Danakils on the Italian side of the frontier. There may be supposed to have been between 300,000 and 335,000 in 1914.
Among the native populations of Eritrea Mohammedanism possesses a persistent force of expansion; in 1910 two-thirds of the inhabitants were described as belonging to that faith. Since the Italian occupation, some Abyssinian Mohammedans, who had been forced by the intolerance of the Negus to embrace the Coptic religion, have reverted to their former faith. In the highlands near the Abyssinian frontier – at Serae, Akkele, and Guzai-the majority of the population are Christian Copts (Monophysites); and a body of Catholic converts, numbering about 6,000, who were formerly under the French Lazarists (expelled in 1895), have been placed under the direction of the Apostolic Prefecture of Eritrea, which was created in September 1894. A small settlement  of Swedish missionaries has control over about 500 Evangelical converts. A few tribes still retain a primitive animistic form of religion. On the whole, Italian authorities are agreed that Mohammedanism is making rapid progress in Eritrea.
The rural population of the Southern Plateau, which was 23,000 in 1910, is 400,000 in 1948. The apparent paradox has risen because landless groups, often immigrants from Ethiopia, were sometimes accepted by villages communities to make good the loss of manpower caused by military conscription and exodus to the towns.  Immigration from Ethiopia to the rural areas of the Eritrean highlands had increased during the war: the immigrants belonged by faith to the Coptic Church and spoke basically the same language as the people of the Kebessa. By and large these immigrants – the makelai-aliet- were at the bottom of the rural class structure.

Gray and Silverman (1948) quoted in Jordan Gebre-Medhin’s book, ‘Peasants & Nationalism in Eritrea’, p. 76 
Eritrea Population Breakdown based on voter records 1992, processed by the Central Statistics Office

Eritrean population 1952 and 1997 breakdown by the 6 socially engineered regions posted by Awate.com You can click at the bottom to see the population of each region.


Eritrean Population 2001 (the socially engineered regions) : http://gis.calvin.edu/atlas/countries/eritrea/People/pop.pdf

Eritrean population 1960 - 2013: http://countryeconomy.com/demography/population/eritrea

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