Friday, 13 February 2015

Eritrean Newspapers 1928 – 1962

Eritrean Newspapers 1928 – 1962

The late Mufti, Sheikh Ibrahim Al Mukhtar (1909 - 1969), was not only a religious leader who called for respect and co-existence with other faiths in Eritrea but was also well respected among all Eritreans. He was also a great scholar who authored several books and articles and documented events during his period. He was also a political figure who stood for Eritrea’s independence and against interference of the state in religious affairs. He was in good terms with Abune Marcos who fell off with the Ethiopia and died mysteriously in what seemed to be a car accident and was replaced by the Andinet fundamentalist, Geshi Demetros. He was also a close associate of Ras Tessema Asberom. A whole webiste is dedicated to his works:

This is a translation of one of his articles on Eritrean newspapers of the time:
Since the publications of newspapers started in Eritrea, Arabic newspapers became immediately a reality and were widely spread. There were more than 20 such newspapers within 20 years, written either exclusively in Arabic or in both Arabic and other national or international languages. The nature of these newspapers and themes raised, varied depending on the purpose, and depending on the publishers and funders.  The First Eritrean Mufti, the late Sheikh Ibrahim al Mukhtar, not only encouraged the Arabic newspapers, but also provided them with information, articles and at times rote the editorials. He was also keen to record what was published on those newspapers. 

He noted,

"Where the press is the standard that is used to measure the extent of spread of the language of any people; the presence of 20 newspapers, within 20 years,  that were published in Arabic in both Eritrea and Ethiopia then demonstrated, the wide spread use of the language among Eritrean Muslims.” He also noted that those who opposed the use of the Arabic language (Unionists or otherwise) in Eritrea also published in Arabic in order to reach Eritrean Muslims, which was a tacit recognition of its major role in Eritrea. Below is a breakdown of these newspapers:

Governmental Arabic newspapers and they were (12)
Name: "Eritrean Daily"
Release date: around 1928.
Issuer: the Italian Government.
Language: Arabic, Italian and Tigrinya
This newspaper was published every Friday, sometimes in one page and at other time in two pages, and then became a daily, This was the first newspaper published in Arabic in Eritrea.
Name: Imperial Post
Release date: after the occupation of Abyssinia in 1936.
Issuer: the Italian Government.
Language: Arabic.
This newspaper was printed in Addis Ababa and distributed to Muslims in Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Name: Savoia Newspaper
Release date: around 1934
Issuer: the Italian Government.
Language: Arabic.
This newspaper was of a military nature, and were distributed to soldiers in Eritrea.
Name:Al alem Newpaper (Aalem)  
Release date: in 1941 after return of the Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie regained his throne.
Issuer: Ethiopian Government.
Language: Arabic, Amharic
It was printed in Addis Ababa and published weekly.
Name: Eritrean weekly 
Release date: August 1942
Issuer: British Administration.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
Name: Monthly Journal
Release date: July 1944
Issuer: British Government.
Language: Arabic
Issued with 12 pages at the beginning of every month
Name: Arabic Weekly Newspaper
Release date:  December 7, 1945
Issuer: British Government.
Language: Arabic.
The four-page issue was released every Friday. After the establishment of the Eritrean Government of Eritrea, the newspaper was merged with the Tigrinya issue and was renamed, “The Dawn of liberty”. Its editor was Abdul Rahim Ahmed Ismail, but the name became unacceptable to the higher authorities. Thus it was neglected and later changed name to “Zemen”. Nimer Tesmer was appointed as its editor instead of former editor, Abdul Rahim

Name: Zemen newspaper
Release date: 6 January 1953.
Issuer: the Eritrean Government.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
It was published on four pages, twice a week on Fridays and on Tuesdays, and then became a daily in the published in the two languages November 10, 1953. It was the first daily newspaper in the country.
Name: Eritrean Gazette                        
Release date: 1st of  March 1953 15 month may 137
Issuer: the Eritrean Government.
Language: Arabic.
Name: Sunday Newspaper
Release date: 1st of June, 1958.
Issuer: the Eritrean Government.
Language: Arabic, Amharic
Published every Sunday, It replaced  the daily, “Zemen” on Sundays. Its editor was Nimer Teshmer.
Name: Teachers Magazine        
Release date:  17th April, 1959
Issuer: the Eritrean Government.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
It was published every three months, and were distributed freely to teachers.
Name: Unity
Release date: November 1962.
Issuer: the Eritrean Government.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
It was published daily, and  replaced, Zemen after the abolition of the federal system and the forced annexation of Eritrea to Ethiopia.

Arabic newspapers published by political parties (9)
Name: Voice of Eritrea.
Publication date: around 1945
Issuer: Unity Party with Ethiopia (Andinet)
Language: Arabic, Amharic
It was issued in Addis Ababa, and distributed freely and published propaganda  for the annexation of Eritrea to Ethiopia.

Name: Voice of Eritrean Muslim League
Release date: 25 February, 1947
Issuer: ML.
Owner: Bashir Osman Bashir
Editors: yassin Mohamed Batook, Mohamed Osman Al Hayoti, then Mohamed Omar Al Gadi and later Mohamed Seid Mohanmed.
Language: Arabic.
At first it was issued every Tuesday on two pages, and later every Wednesday on four pages. It was the first political party newpaper to be published in Eritrea, and it was the mouthpiece of the Eritrean Muslim League.

Name: Ethiopian Newspaper
Release date: on the 4th of May, 1947
Issuer: Unity Party with Ethiopia (Andinet)
Director: Ahmed Hussein Al hayoti and the Sheikh Suleiman Al Din Ahmed.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
Published every Sunday in four pages, Mouth piece of Unity Party with Ethiopia
Name: Noor Eritrea
Release date: 15 November 1947
Issuer: Pro-Italy Party.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya.
Published every Saturday every in four pages.
Name: Independent Eritrea Newspaper
Release date:  8th of July, 1949
Issuer: New Eritrea Party
Director: Hassaballah Abdul Rahim
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya.
It was published on four pages, and was mouth piece of the Party
Name: Eritrean Unity Newspaper
Release date: 28th January 1949
Issuer: Independence Block.
Director: Woldeab Wolde Mariam
Editor: Hassabalh Abdul Rahim
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
It was issued every Saturday of the week, in four pages, and then every Wednesday, and was the mouthpiece of Independence Block.
Name: Unity and Progress
Release date: 28th February, 1952
Issuer: independent League.
Director: Mohammed Omar Gadi.
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya.
It was four-page weekly, the mouthpiece of the Eritrean-Ethiopian Federation
Name: Voice of Eritrea Newspaper
Release date: September, 1952
Issuer: Muslim League
Director: Ahmed Hussein Al Hayoti and Saleh Mahmoud
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
It was defending the Constitution and the Federal arrangement decided by the United Nations.
Name: Unity Newspaper
Release date: 1373 Ah 1954
Issuer: Youth of the Unionist Party
Language: Arabic and Tigrinya
It was published every Thursday, and was its Director was Gebre Sellasie Garza

Religious, cultural, commercial and newspapers, (4)
Name: Asmara Cultural Magazine
Release date: July 1947
Author: Mahmoud Ahmed Rabaa
Language: Arabic
It was published monthly in a 16-page Arabic language only. It covered literary, cultural and historical issues and was with pictures
Name:The Newsletter
Issuer: Eritrean Chamber of Commerce
Release date: 1951
Language: Arabic, Tigrinya, Italian and English.
It was published twice a month.
Name:The Eritrean Economic Journal
Release date: 1951
Owner: Thomas Medini, the Italian
Language: Arabic, Italian, English.
Name: Al Manar Magazine
Release date: 1954
Owner: Saleh Abdul Gadir Bashir Berhatu
Language: Arabic.
Religious social and cultural, literary magazine

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